padronagaia/Mistress Gaia – Human toilet training (€15.99 Yezzclips)

ITALIAN SPOKEN – This human toilet being needs to continue his training. After filling his bowl with my divine piss and letting him lick a little ‘, I will shit inside, creating a special cocktail of urine and shit. He will have to continue to drink and lick, while I, sitting comfortably, ignore him chatting and talking on a cell phone.

Questo cesso umano deve continuare il suo addestramento. Dopo aver riempito la ciotola con il mio divino nettare e avergliene fatto leccare un po, ci defeco dentro, creando un cocktail speciale di urina e merda. Lui dovra’ continuare a bere e leccare, mentre io, comodamente seduta, lo ignoro chiacchierando al telefonino.

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Format: MPEG-4
Duration: 00:14:34
Size: 347 MB
Resolution: 1280×720


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